

Application of Cellulose Ether in Building Materials Products

The use of cellulose ether in external wall insulation mortar:cellulose etherplays a key role in bonding and increasing strength in this material. It makes sand easier to apply, improves work efficiency, and has anti sagging effect. Its high water retention performance can extend the working time of the mortar, improve anti shrinkage and anti cracking properties, improve surface quality, and increase bonding strength.LK80M

The use ofcellulose ether HPMCin the gypsum series: In the gypsum series products, cellulose ether mainly plays a role in water retention, increasing lubrication, and has a certain retarding effect, solving the problems of bulging and initial strength not being achieved during the construction process, and can extend the working time.1684996721466

The use of cellulose ether HPMC in waterproof putty powder: In putty powder,cellulose ethermainly plays a role in water retention, bonding, and lubrication, avoiding cracks and dehydration caused by rapid water loss. At the same time, it enhances the adhesion of the putty, reduces sagging during construction, and makes the construction smoother.内墙腻子

Use of cellulose ether HPMC in interface agent: mainly used as thickener, it can improve tensile strength and Shear strength, improve surface coating, and enhance adhesion and bond strength.

The use of cellulose etherHPMCin joint fillers and crevice agents: The addition of cellulose ether provides good edge bonding, low shrinkage, and high wear resistance, protecting the base material from mechanical damage and avoiding the impact of penetration on the entire building.tile adhesive

The use ofcellulose ether HPMCin self-leveling materials: The stable adhesion of cellulose ether ensures good flowability and self-leveling ability, controls the water retention rate to enable rapid solidification, reduces cracking and shrinkage.自流平砂浆

Post time: Jul-11-2023