

Redispersible latex powder for bonding mortar

Theredispersible latex powderused for bonding mortar has excellent fusion with cement and can be completely dissolved in the cement-based dry mixed mortar paste. After solidification, it does not reduce the strength of the cement, maintaining the bonding effect, film-forming property, flexibility, and good weather resistance and stability./products/




The RDPused for bonding mortar is a product designed for cement-based series building materials. This product has excellent compatibility with cement and can be completely dissolved in cement-based dry mixed mortar paste. After solidification, it does not reduce the strength of the cement, and can significantly improve the bonding ability of the bonding mortar with the insulation board (micro permeability bonding) and its own tensile strength, resistance to falling, water retention thickening, and good construction performance, while maintaining the bonding effect Film forming and flexibility, as well as good weather resistance and stability.

tile setting

Main characteristics of RDP powder for bonding mortar


1: The same basic wall and insulation board have strong bonding effect.


2: And it is water resistant, freeze-thaw resistant, and has good aging resistance.


3: Convenient construction, it is a good bonding material for insulation systems.


4: Do not slide or fall during construction. It has excellent weather resistance, impact resistance, and crack resistance.

Post time: Jul-07-2023