

Talking about the important reason of putty powder dedusting.

Putty powder is a kind of building decorative materials, the main ingredient is talcum powder and glue. Putty is used to repair the wall of a substrate for the next step to lay a good foundation for decoration. Putty is divided into two kinds of interior wall and exterior wall, exterior wall putty to resist the wind and sun so glue, high strength. Interior wall putty composite index is good, healthy, so the interior wall is not external, external wall is not internal. Usually the putty is gypsum or cement-based, so that the surface roughness is easier to stick firmly. But in the construction or to paint a layer of interface agent in the base to seal the base at the same time the adhesion of the wall, so that putty can be bonded to the base. It is a common problem after the construction of putty that the putty powder is de-dusted and the powder and the whitening is lost, and then combined with the construction of putty dryness of the wall, water absorption, temperature, weather dryness and so on.LK70M

Cause dedusting reason one: the bonding strength of putty is not enough to cause dedusting, the bonding strength of rubber powder is poor, the amount of addition is small, especially the inner wall putty, the size of the bonding strength, there is a great relationship between the quality and the addition amount of the powder and glue. The second reason is that the design formula is not reasonable. The problem of material selection and structure is very important in the formula of putty. For example, hypromelloseHPMCmakes non-waterproof putty for interior walls. Hypromellose HPMC is expensive, but it does not work on fillers such as shuangfei powder, talcum powder, wollastonite powder, etc. , if only the hypromelloseHPMCcan cause carboxymethyl cellulose, and the low-cost CMC does not take off powder, but the carboxymethyl cellulose CMC can not make waterproof putty, and can not make the external wall putty, because the carboxymethyl cellulose CMC encountered lime-calcium powder, white cement reaction, this will cause de-powder, but also the addition of Polyacrylamide lime-calcium powder, white cement as a waterproof coating, can also cause chemical reaction of de-powder. The third cause of dedusting: the uneven mixing is the main cause of the dedusting of the putty on the inner and outer walls. Some manufacturers nationwide have simple and varied equipment for producing putty powder, which is not a special mixing equipment, and the mixing is not uniform, cause putty off powder.

Cause dedusting reason four: production process errors cause putty dedusting, if the mixer does not have the function of cleaning, residue, ordinary putty in the CMC and waterproof putty will react with the gray calcium powder, the CMC of the inner wall putty reacts with the white cement of the outer wall putty to cause dedusting. Some companies set a special equipment cleaning mouth, can clean the residues in the machine, not only to ensure the quality of putty, but also can use a machine, buy a device to produce a variety of putty. Cause dedusting five reasons: the quality of fillers is also easy to cause dedusting, interior and exterior wall putty a large number of use of fillers, but around the heavy calcium powder, talc inside the CA2CO3 content is different, different ph can also cause putty de-dusting, for example, Chongqing and Chengdu’s interior wall putty powder use the same glue powder, but talc powder, heavy calcium powder is different, in Chongqing do not de-dusting, in Chengdu de-dusting, in Henan, the northeast does not take off the powder, but in some areas to take off the powder. Cause dedusting reason six: The Weather is also a reason for the internal and external wall putty dedusting, for example, the internal and external wall putty, in the dry climate of some areas in the north, good ventilation, putty finishing film quickly, not dedusting, and not in the south, especially in some areas of the South Meiyu weather, long-term wet, putty film is not good, but also off-powder, so some areas to adapt to add gray calcium powder waterproof putty. Causes of dedusting seven: Gray calcium powder, white cement and other inorganic binders are not pure, mixed with a large number of fly-by-night powder. On the market so-called multi-functional ash calcium powder, multi-functional white cement are not pure, because the use of these impurity inorganic binders, interior and exterior wall waterproof putty certainly more not waterproof. Causes of dedusting reason eight: summer external wall putty water retention is not enough, especially in high-temperature ventilation building high-rise doors, windows and other places, lime-calcium powder and cement have not enough time for the first set of water, and did not maintain well, it can also be severely degraded.


Post time: Jul-21-2023