

The use of latex powder in high-temperature resistant powder coatings

Redispersible latex powderis very vulnerable to the attack of heat and oxygen, resulting in a lot of oxygen free radicals and hydrogen Chloroprene. Thelatex powderleads to the destruction of polymer chain opening. After the latex powder, the coating gradually ages. Redispersible latex powder has reduced brightness, surface delamination and discoloration. Adding antioxidants to latex powder can effectively inhibit the thermal oxidative aging behavior of polymers./products/

The key ofredispersible latex powderincludes Phosphite ester antioxidant and thiolipid antioxidant. The action mechanism of latex powder is to dissolve ROOH, so that the latex powder can form stable components. The combination of main and auxiliary antioxidants can have a certain synergistic effect, and can be further dispersed into latex powder to achieve better antioxidant with roller painting wall in blue at home

In recent years, with the great strengthening and deepening of the environmental protection ofRDP in China, the latex powder has clearly put forward higher quality energy conservation and environmental protection regulations in the field of building coatings. The field of latex powder and latex powder paint has gradually transformed to water soluble, high solid content, Solvation and other aspects, and latex powder has obtained a rapid development trend.redispersible polymer powder

Compared with traditional industrial grade solvent coatings,RDP powderhas more rationality and environmental protection, and has good acid resistance, corrosion resistance, and high impact toughness. In the process of production, processing and drying of latex powder, latex powder should be subject to mixed heat treatment and high temperature baking. If the protection of molecular structure chain is not enough in the production process, latex powder is prone to produce Molecular formula thermal oxygen aging dissolution, thereby harming the characteristics and color of building paint.redispersiblepolymerpowder

Post time: Jul-10-2023